Suze Bouwer

Founder of Redmatchstick Marketing

About Suze Bouwer

I'm a marketing enabler, coach, and content creator, having launched my RedMatchstick consulting business after 25 years in executive marketing positions in the hotel industry across Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, and Mozambique. With over 30 years of expertise in sales and marketing, I offer unique insights and simple yet effective marketing strategies, aiding entrepreneurs and SMEs. Work with me to implement your effective online conversion funnel for your online business.

How It Works

Select a call time

Select a date and time from the Expert's available time slots.

Receive a calendar invite

After you have selected a date and time, after "Book" you will receive the meeting confirmation.

Hop on the call

You will connect via an SME Advice video/audio call at the scheduled time.

Common Questions

Can i change or reschedule sessions?

Yes, you can reschedule the meeting if the Expert did not attend the meeting.

How long are the sessions?

Sessions can be up to 60 minutes starting from 30 minutes.

How do the mentoring sessions take place?

All mentoring sessions are conducted online through the secured video/audio conferencing built right into the platform.

What technology do I need for a session?

A computer, tablet, or smartphone with a webcam and a reliable internet connection is all you need to participate in your online mentoring session.